17th July Mr Mani Menon Hello, I present another work by Mani. He titled it Matsya. Matsya is the fish avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu. The artwork is made with pen and ink on ivoryboard paper. The movement of the tail makes the fish seem alive. Of course, the trademark red dot is…
Author: Beena Devi
Forest Walk
12th July 2024 Beena Hello everyone. Today, I posted a painting called “A Walk in the Forest”. Melvin sent me this photo some time ago. I have always hesitated to paint from photos as I am still in the early phase of my artwork. Lately, I have been toying with painting in an impressionist…
Explore The Unknown
7th July 2024 Madeline & Beena Hello, everyone. Madeline painted this beautiful telescope using the line and wash technique with watercolour paint. She has made a boring telescope into a delightful painting. The word telescope comes from the Ancient Greek words tele (far) and skopein (to look or see), teleskopos (far-seeing). The earliest…
Hibiscus Our National Flower
7th July 2024 Joy Each country has an Independence Day to remind and appreciate our war heroes and educate the current generation. This year, Malaysia is celebrating its 67th Independence Day with the theme “Malaysia Madani: Jiwa Merdeka,” which means “A Free Spirit.” This year, the seven shouts of “Merdeka” will be heard…
Vibrancy of Nature
7th July 2024 Kala & Beena Hello, guys. Today, I wish to post a digital painting by Kala, a talented artist known for her vibrant and evocative works. She painted this harbour scene with these yachts against a brilliant sky, and the colours of the sky are reflected in the water. Kala’s use of…
Heliconias Of The World
7th July 2024 Mr Nandakumar I have posted a line-and-wash painting of Heliconias. This painting was a unique experience for me as I experimented with different techniques and approaches. In this type of watercolour painting, you can either draw the outline first with ink and then fill in the colours or the reverse. …
Colours In The Sky
7th July 2024 Joy In the world of colours, light from the sun stimulates our eyes, which react to red, green, and blue light. When there is no light, the world plunges into darkness. Light makes crests and troughs of a wave of light ie, wavelength (measured in nanometres-nm). Blue has a shorter…
1st July 2024 Mr Mani Menon & Beena Hello, today I posted an abstract of art by Mani. He did the work in ink. Despite the title, ‘Abstract’, which signifies the artist’s departure from literal representation, I see elements that evoke a sense of nature and life. I see trees, especially the coconut palm fronds,…
Beautiful Flowers
30th June 2024 Lavender Jong & Beena I present a watercolour painting by Lavender. She used wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry techniques to create this painting, which is an amazing piece of work. I add a quote below: “Accepting Many Wrong Persons May Not Affect Our Life.. But Neglecting One Right Person Will Leave Us…
Can I or I can
30th June 2024 Neelum I painted these designs with acrylic on a white canvas. I got this design from Instagram. I wish to add the following quote: “Two words that can change the way we approach our life. ‘Can I or I can’ Think and choose the right option and create a difference…