
2nd December 2024 Amey and Beena


Once again, Amey’s art of the Diyas sparked my thoughts. I remember the Divali celebrations from my childhood, the excitement of lighting diyas and the joy of being with family. I would love to share these memories and reflections here.


A diya, a lamp crafted from clay or mud, with a cotton wick immersed in oil or ghee. During ceremonies, these diyas are ignited, casting a spellbinding glow. The radiant beauty emanating from these diyas is a sight captivating all who witness it. Before the advent of electricity, these diyas and candles were the primary light sources at night.


The diya’s symbolism is profound, representing the victory of good over evil. This is the essence of Divali, the festival of lights. According to mythology, it was the day the people of Ayodhya celebrated the return of Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana after 14 years of exile. The streets were aglow with diyas, illuminating the night and dispelling the darkness. It was a day of jubilation for the people, a celebration of the triumph of light over darkness.


It’s in our unity that we can triumph over any evil. The question that always lingers is, what is one man’s evil in the eyes of others? How do we define ‘good’? The lines between right and wrong have become increasingly blurred. But in our collective strength, we can navigate these complexities and stand against the darkness.

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