
10th October 2022 Ms Kala Pohl

Silence is an enigma. It instils different emotions based on when silence happens. When I looked at this painting, I longed for the silence that I felt from it. Paintings evoke varied emotions. I did this on procreate, and I felt the joy of silence.

Do we feel joy in silenceπŸ€”? I am not sure if I expressed myself well. When I was young, I never liked long, silent pauses. Especially in class, when the teacher asked me a question, I was unsure if I knew the correct answer. And that deafening silence in the class made me wish I was anywhere else other than thereπŸ˜’πŸ™„. When we are caught being naughty, the silence that follows is truly humiliating. There are so many instances when I never liked silent moments.

However, as I grew older, I began to love moments of silence. I loved to go to places like a forest, where other than the occasional sounds made by birds or other animals, it was pin-drop silenceπŸ₯². Such moments fill me with immense peace and energy. Hence moments of silence can vary from fear, anxiety, and dread to serenity and peace.

Hence silence does raise various emotions based on the situation. I hope you enjoy my painting and my thoughts on silenceπŸ™‚πŸ™‚. Please share your thoughts if you had such a similar experience.

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