
1st October 2022 Ms AnnSu

Hi, I love to talk about this painting I did a while ago in December 2021. It is a watercolour painting. It shows a group of young African boys singing. I struggled to try to capture their expression with my painting.

I was mesmerised by the sheer joy on their faces. I was not sure what they could be singing. Whatever that song was, it revealed pure joy. They have immersed themselves in their singing.

That was when I decided that I must paint this picture. I plunged into my painting. When I finished and emerged, I felt immense joy for creating this painting of African boys singing. I am happy with the outcome. I thought I did capture that bliss on their faces. In real life, bliss is something we love to feel. When you feel bliss, love fills your body, and you feel light. I felt it when I completed this painting.

I would love the readers to guess what their song may have been. I would love to know if I did capture the essence of purity on their faces while they sang that song. Thank you, my dear readers, as I look forward to your comments.

2 thoughts on “Bliss

  1. Nice colorful painting of young boys of different expressions.
    From my imagination, they must be singing a joyful song praising the God and the beauty in life.

  2. The song Kumbaya, my Lord comes to mind. Though not exactly a song of bliss, the entreaty to God to come to them evokes hope and faith. I thought the expressions and gestures of the children shows that, too. The painting is beautifully executed to show variations in the faces of the children. Each one has a personality of their own.

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