Finding Beenasso

6th  May 2022 Dr Beena

Hello there, I hope everyone is faring well😊. Yeap, today we will discuss Cubism and Picasso. I could never understand abstract art. Hence, I would walk past a Picasso at any museum. When we were given the assignment in class to do a self-portrait in Picasso style, I was disturbed. Firstly, a self-portrait is daunting. Then to do that in Picasso’s style, I nearly fainted☹☹.

Nevertheless, I present a self-portrait done in Picasso’s style. Surprisingly I liked it. Cubism is an early 20th-century avant-garde movement created by Pablo Picasso and George Braque. The subject is broken down into geometric shapes and reassembled to depict the subject from many viewpoints to represent a greater context. The primary influence began with Paul Cezanne, whose late work had a three-dimensional effect.

Here is where I draw the parallel to life. Our lives are in intricate, multifaceted layers. The world sees only a single view. How do we feel when we deconstruct the layers of our lives? It is an uneasy feeling and something none of us wishes to do. That is where reality and art differ. In art, one can paint with audacity as it is an expression of the artist. Are we willing to share our hidden secrets without fear of being judged by others?

I drew various sides of my face in my self-portrait picture as advised by my art teachers. I had no clue how to deconstruct☹. But when I finished, I was surprised by the many facets of myself. I saw youth, curiosity, contemplation, attentiveness, wonder and mellowness. I hope the readers will guess the Beenasso😊😊 that I missed out and leave your comments😊. Hence, even though Picasso’s art is daunting, I will now look at his work with a fresh perspective. Thank you to my art teachers, who are forever challenging us😊.

6 thoughts on “Finding Beenasso

    1. Hi Agnes

      Thank you reading. Yea I hope to express hope despite the challenges. Glad you found that:)

  1. Hi Beena, after reading your very well-written piece and examining your painting, I’m still unable to appreciate Picasso’s art. As for deconstructing our lives, I won’t bother too much with that. At my age, I just want to focus on the things that give me peace and happiness in my daily life. How the world viewed me in the past or how it views me now or in the future is of little importance. This is just my own reflection. Hope it doesn’t offend anyone.

    1. Yes it is not easy to understand Picasso. But as a class work I had to take that challenge. I even liked what I did finally:)

  2. I can’t understand cubism and other abstract art, too. Your painting looks like the real thing and the shades and pieces come together very well. Your story, however, shows that it was more than a painting; it seems to have been a process of self-awareness and self-revelation. You have done both admirably. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes I was utterly confused as what I should paint. So it was a surprise for me to see the final version. I too can’t understand abstract painting.

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