Hidden Face

24th June 2022 Dr Beena

Hello everyone! I am so excited to write about this picture. Once again, this is an art class project. It is a colour pencil picture. I learned so much about using colour pencils. It is very intrinsic and requires immense focus. I had to be patient. I took about two classes to finish it.

There are a couple of challenges with colour pencils. One is the paper. You will not get good results using any paper as there must be “teeth” to capture the pigment from the pencil. In addition, there are a few types of colour pencils. Some need more practice to produce results. I finally found polychromous, which is oil-based and not wax-based, more suitable for me. However, for this picture, I used wax-based colour pencils. In addition, I had to use the layering technique to create the contrast between dark and light.

I was surprised by a strange comment from two close friends. They found a face hidden in the hair. Can you see it? I could not initially but eventually, when I tilted the picture. I found the face of a young child who is sleeping peacefully. I will give you a clue. It is on the left side of the head, not in the bun😊. Other friends connected the eye that I painted last week to be this head😊. Hence, the mystery was solved, as many asked me, whose eye did I paint😊.

I hope all of you find something from this picture that evokes serenity. As one good friend commented, she found ” love is in the hair”. On that note, I hope you find the Love😊.

6 thoughts on “Hidden Face

  1. What a beautiful creation of serenity mystery and beauty beena. Your art work is soul work. Every stroke speaks of the delicate care and commitment you render to everything you do. This pencil work transitions your inner being on to paper and brings it to life what your heart holds.
    Yes I see the peaceful child …. the gentle lady and the graceful woman all in one.
    Great work dear….keep going ….

  2. Thanks Shobha, yea it maybe my subconscious self but thanks to observations of others this would have gone unnoticed:)

  3. I found the information on colour pencils and the paper very interesting. The faceless composition here gives rise to many imaginary possibilities as to how this person looks based solely on the soft, elegant, and exquisite hairstyle. This is a charming drawing.

    1. Hahah thanks Nyuk. Well at my age, I need to learn something new if I need to keep my brain active:)

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