Just Lines Blossoms

24th January 2023 Mr Mani Menon


We needn’t go to a park or a garden or a park to see flowers. They’re all around us. We get to see them in the unlikeliest of places too! 

Here in Chennai where I live, women invariably wear a ‘gajra’ (garland) of fragrant multicoloured flowers in their hair. In my neighbourhood, tons of flowers are sold by some women who set up shops before sunrise.



They are a chatty, friendly bunch of women. My favourite is a jolly old soul who is so quick to smile at people who stop to buy her flowers. Her smile is as bright as the flowers with the ‘gajras’ spread on an old wooden table in front of her.



I sketched these blossoms in pen and ink, but one can easily visualise their colours and the beaming smile of their sellers…..


23 thoughts on “Just Lines Blossoms

  1. Your sketches are just superlative. And I didn’t know black and white and fine lines can be so mesmerizing ♥….

  2. His unique art form simply amazes me ! Love the swirls and curls he draws with such a steady hand……hats off to this artist !

  3. Nice sketch ‘just lines…. blossoms’ brings out the feel of a cluster lf petals closely knit together by Mani Menons painstaking effort depicting the flower’s in full bloom and others which are just about to , their petals are closer together they seem to be like friends in a chat session
    Great work, Mani
    Waiting for some more…….LINES

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