
30th July 2022 Mr. Nandakumar

Well, what can I say about the year 2022? It has been rather eventful for me. I was diagnosed with Colon cancer and underwent three surgeries at different times with eight cycles of chemotherapy. That is a full plate of dismay. But the silver lining during this period was that my son got married; for any parent, that is sheer joy.

Nevertheless, it was difficult for me to keep my spirit up most times. However, I managed to carry on with my family and fantastic friends. I had the final surgery not long ago. However, there was a problem, and I was readmitted. That was when I felt devastated.

My good friend Sriram called me and said I needed to stay strong. His words were, “You have defeated Karma many times during the past months. Are you going to be defeated? No way, got be defeated by Karma”. Those words kept ringing in my ears the whole night. Then he sent me a picture of a “Fairy-wren” mother feeding her chicks and asked me to paint. I decided to focus my energy on the painting I have posted here. I would say painting helped to pull me out of my anguish. I told myself I was not going to give up now.

Sometimes we don’t realise the impact of words. For me, Sriram’s words pulled me out of my “dark world”. So, my message to anyone going through any crisis is, “never give up when there is the slightest hope”. Hope keeps us alive. His words and my art helped me through this challenging period. We have resilience in us. We need to tap into that. To all my readers, thank you for being there for meπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™.

4 thoughts on “Karma

  1. Hi Nandu

    Thank you for sharing your personal journey with cancer. It is very challenging and none can conceptualize your thoughts as best as you did with your story. It reminded me about plants. I have noticed that when plants that grow tall with frail stems, tend to break with a strong wind. However, if you support them with additional sticks or place that between other plants, they don’t break. I think it is the same for us. I just read an interesting article about dementia, cancer and other chronic illness. In addition to diet, exercise and stress management, a strong social network is crucial. You have highlighted that very clearly, with support from family and friends and your art helped you overcome your despair. Keep sharing your stories here, thank youπŸ™πŸ˜Š


  2. Thanks for your observation and comments. Fortunately I have many sticks as family and friends. With optimistic approach anything can be achieved.
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

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