Memories That Linger

Nyuk’s story and painting was so nostalgic and it put me in a mood to write about memories that linger.  When I tell people that I love the music group ABBA, there is instant reaction. Sometimes, there is a burst of laughter, sometimes a smile (well, more of a smirk) and sometimes a look of utter disbelief. A look that says, “I thought you were much smarter than that”! Well, what can I say – I love ABBA! There, now the whole world knows and I am quite alright with it. Growing older has its benefits – there is a righteousness in your own beliefs. You settle comfortably into your skin and adopt an indifference to what the world thinks of your choices.


We all have memories tied to our favorite songs. Regardless of where we are and what we are doing, we hear a special song and time stops still. As a child growing up in Malaysia, the nearest big town was a 45- minute car ride away. And to keep us occupied on our trip, we had a lot of music cassettes in the car.  One that lingers, all these years later is ABBA. My father loved their songs and played it all the time. Whenever I hear an ABBA song, memories of my father come flooding back. Sweet memories of all those wonderful car rides, talking and laughing with him, buying comics at the corner newsstand, eating ice cream, our giggling fits that brought a smile to his face and many more memories. Echoes that bring about a calmness in me and remind me of how much my siblings and I were loved. Perhaps that is the real reason why I love ABBA.


What about you?  Any great memories tied to music?

This acrylic painting of kayaking on the Sarawak River was done just before my trip to Kuching in early 2020.  Little did I realize that it would be my last trip in a long while.

6 thoughts on “Memories That Linger

  1. Hi Kala

    What a nostalgic story about ABBA. For a long time, even though I listened to those songs, I never knew they were ABBA:). Love that painting about the lone kayaker. I am pretty sure you will return and paint more about Kuching. We just need to remain patient until such time. Keep posting your lovely stories.

    Take care


  2. This picture looks so serene and quiet. I feel I could almost hear the water rippling against the kayak. Perfect for introspection.

    It’s appalling that some people can use a person’s music preference to judge intelligence. I’m with you that music and songs are linked to memories. I still have a soft spot for the songs that were popular during my time in England. Some have been dismissed as annoying and irritating but they evoke a time in my life which I had really enjoyed. As for ABBA? They are so universal. ABBA the musical gained a new generation of “not so smart?” followers like my trendy niece and can we say the cast were probably “not so smart” too? led by the inimitable Meryl Streep 😄.

    1. Thanks Nyuk. Indeed, its not about the music, food, etc., its the memories and feelings they evoke. I so enjoyed Mamma Mia and have watched it so many times. Every time I hear them, all I feel is my Dad’s love engulfing me:)

  3. I love Abba and Carpenters! Every Thursday morning and early afternoon (Thursday and Friday was the weekend where I grew up), mum would play either one of these on our Kenwood cassette player and that’s how we did our weekly chores around the house. The lyrics and melody are etched in my heart forever 🙂

    1. Oh, I love the Carpenters too:) Memories of my sister and I belting “I’m on top of the world…” in the car.

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