My Xmas Story

23rd December 2021 Dr Beena

Hello everyone, I can’t believe that it is the end of the year😊😊. The year seemed to have zoomed past us. Gosh, we have been on Zoom for too long☹. Did you feel the same? I wish to share my thoughts about Christmas.

 I am unsure how it originated; I would ask friends, “Hey guys, shall we meet before Xmas?” Of course, it will end with me having lunches, dinner or even a cup of tea and cake with friends. I think it began just a few years ago. For many years, Xmas was a lonely time for me as most of my friends were busy planning the festivities. However, I found many friends since joining various sporting activities, like yoga, Zumba, cycling. Hence it was the perfect opportunity to have these dinners and lunches. I realised all you need to do is ask. Yes, that is for me, the Xmas’s miracle😊.

With Zara and Mika, I wish everyone a Very Merry Xmas. Remember to ask, but most importantly, what matters in life is often the small stuff. Allan wrote that story last year. Allan and I are happy that we ventured into this without knowing what would happen. This website helped me deal with the multiple lockdowns that we had and the anxiety that came along with it. Mika and Zara took turns to fall sick, but writing on this website helped me cope. So I am very grateful for that. The comments helped me too.

I hope more will contribute their artwork and stories for everyone to enjoy.  Till the next musing, stay safe and enjoy the festive season. Health matters the most in life; treasure it, and no wealth can buy it😊.

10 thoughts on “My Xmas Story

  1. Lovely lovely painting ! The colors that you used for your Christmas tree reflected your personality which is warm and cheerful . The two dogs that’s guiding beside you are super cute too !

  2. Dear Beena,
    Merry Christmas to you, Zara and Mika!
    Zara reminds me of the clothing brand Zara. Beautiful clothes like your Zara beautiful too.
    Mika, my son’s gf too is Micah! What a coincidence!!
    This Christmas has lots of memories for me. Used to be more lively with the children around. This year only me, my mom and my eldest and her bf.
    I did not know you can paint so well. Must get my painting stuff ready again.

    1. Yes Xmas time can be quite taxing. But we can cherish what we have.
      True when I named her it didnt occur to me about Zara the shop🤣🤣🤣

  3. Hope all will be well next year.. here’s praying for a good year ahead and most of all, a merry and blessed Christmas to all of us here.

  4. Dear Beena…you brought out the the feel and spirit of Xmas in your painting.. and you are right..its all about togetherness…

    Love and good wishes for a great holiday season..

  5. Christmas is a busy time usually making Xmas goodies and entertaining. But for some reason the business brings a lot of joy that we share with family and friends. Beena dear.. your tree is so strikingly beautiful…brings so much love and joy to me. If not for Xmas this time of the year would have been a gloomy time for people living the cold countries. Not it is a holiday time to get together for fun with family and friends…… wishing everyone the abundance of peace love and joy….

    1. Spot on for those in cold areas winter is very bleak. So Xmas is a great diversion. Once again we humans are very creative🥰🥰🥰

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