

17th November 2023 Beena


Hello guys. I hope all are doing well. I painted this Common Buckeye Butterfly after I saw a photo on Pradipbaiju’s Instagram page. I  was attracted by the shadow cast on the leaf by the wings of this gorgeous-looking butterfly.


I painted this with watercolour. I bought the paints in Trivandrum from an innocuous-looking art shop. The pigment in this watercolour is rather intense, which makes the painting look vibrant. I used table salt to create that background effect. This time, the result turned out well.


However, many of my friends thought I painted a moth😨😨 sitting on a yellow fruit. One even thought it was a goldfish 🤔😭. It is a Common  Buckeye Butterfly. Baiju is an avid photographer who has posted breathtaking photos on his Instagram page.


I want your thoughts on why I am fascinated by shadows. I love watching shadows as light casts various shapes and intensities of shadows. The cast shadows change on the same object depending on the angle or clouds. Often, I tend to paint vague shadows. It is my first attempt to paint a well-defined shadow💃🏽💃🏽. I hope to read your comments on my obsession🤣🤣🤣. Check out Pradip’s Instagram page pradipbaiju_photography.

1 thought on “Obsession

  1. Dear Beena..you are doing really well with the shadows. I also love the fact that you are so open to trying out new techniques and so we get to see new styles and use of colours..

    Wille you experiment and learn we are blessed with artwork that speak to us

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