Peace within Us

26th June 2023 Kala and Beena


Hello guys😊😊. I wish to share this little story with a painting from Kala done on Procreate. Street scenes are challenging, mainly when you include a car or a bike. The scene captures the mundane of daily living. The perspective of the street is well-created. I love the vibrant colours that are characteristic of Kala’s painting style.


Do we find any excitement when we walk the streets🀨? However, when we capture it in a painting or photo, it is left to our imaginationπŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž. I can see two people chatting and wonder what they are discussingπŸ€”. But it does not matter what anyone else is doing when I am in the street because I am there for something, even if it is to explore that street. I think when we are not physically present, our thoughts wander. I sense peace in that street. However, in real life, peace is elusive. We long for peace. Let us imagine those two talking about their business on that street. That van is their transport. Maybe they are not making enough to cover their costs🀯. Yet that scene appears peaceful.


Peace is what we create. We can’t look for peace as it is within us. We need to find it despite our circumstances. Life throws hammers; it is how we dodge or catch it. I hope those two are catching up on local gossipπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ and things are going well for them otherwiseπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Please share your thoughts on that street scene😊.

1 thought on “Peace within Us

  1. Very interesting scene Kala..a little different from your usual ones of the multitude of imagery created without cluttering it with people and vehicles etc..says so much with less..

    Colours vibrant and inviting as usual the detailing is too good.

    Look forward to more from you.

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