Wrinkles for a Purpose

31st August 2024 Mr Nandakumar & Beena

Hello, everyone. Today, I shared a stunning watercolour painting by Mr Nandakumar. The painting beautifully depicts elephants drinking water, each unique in size and features. Mr Nandakumar’s skill in capturing these majestic creatures is truly remarkable.


Some facts about elephants. Their trunk is the most sensitive part of any mammal. They use the trunk to suck water, about eight litres each time to drink or to splash their bodies. Their skin is thick and covered with wrinkles so that it can retain moisture for a longer time so that they can cool down faster. This is a remarkable survival tactic. It makes me wonder why we have wrinkles as we age. Any thoughts, please share, thank you๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜….

5 thoughts on “Wrinkles for a Purpose

  1. Wrinkles as we age are an indication of growing richness with wisdom. They also help absorb all the ups downs of life at that stage and make them remain calm. No wonder neuroscience has proven that, Emotional competence increases with age. Wrinkled personality, true good personality.

  2. A captivating and unique painting with the perfect shade of black for the elephants in forest landscape! The painting along with the beautifully written article compliments each other well.

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