Belief System

9th November 2024 Beena


Hello, guys. It has been a while since I wrote my thoughts. We all have days when we feel down. The past few weeks were not pleasant. However, what hurt me the most is the type of ideology that many of my ‘friends’ have adopted. Specifically, the shift towards [specific ideology or belief] and away from [previous ideology or belief] was something I found shocking๐Ÿซจ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.


I know the world has changed. We are unable to discern the truth from lies. Nevertheless, we have a core belief system that should transcend all lies. To my astonishment, many have adopted an alternate set of values. Or do I need to align myself with their core values again? I don’t think so. If I do that, I don’t know who I am๐Ÿ˜ข. What is painful is that there is more of them than us. Maybe I should accept that to move on with my life. But what I truly need is not just acceptance, but understanding. Riccardo said, “We are special”. I should feel comforted by his words.


I painted this quiet scene on a bright sunny day with acrylic paint. The flowers in the foreground are irises. We don’t see them here that much, or I have not seen them. I copied this painting from Pinterest. Many commented that they wish to be in such a place where there is some quiet and peace. At this moment, that is how I feel too๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜.

4 thoughts on “Belief System

  1. Dear Beena,

    Every Friday morning is a treat for all of us waiting eagerly to see your work and you never disappoint us..your journey into art has grown in leaps and bounds and by sharing your work and that of your fiends too as well as your thoughts you help us ponder deeply on some aspect of life.

    As for people’s beliefs ..I guess each ond has their take on life based on personal experiences..while one would like the world to be a positive space..sadly there are many who just live for personal gain or fame with no thought for another human being.

    We just have to navigate that as part of life’s vagaries..and at the end of the day actually each one of us creates our own paths.

    Keep your sensitivity and empathy always…and know you are loved for that and more.โค๏ธ๐ŸŒน

    1. Thanks Suchi that you and many others look forward to my paintings with a message. I enjoy doing what I do. It is my way to connect with many on Fridays. There is a certain joy in being connected, even though it is only via messaging. Thank you for your uplifting message too.


  2. Oh Beena, I too feel the shift to this ” new normal” in recent times which I’m not understanding or very accepting of..
    It’s like pandering to the old saying ” if you can’t beat them, join them”
    But, as you said when core beliefs and values are strained, it hard.
    Nevertheless we’ve got to live and may we always find the path of truth love and peace ……

    1. My dear,

      I understand when you say if you beat them join them. I found that even harder. It killed my soul. So I now understand why our parents generation were called the Silent ones. Because they remained quiet during the two world wars. There was nothing they felt they could do to alleviate the suffering in those days. Then came us the Baby Boomers. We faced hardship in our growing years but we had freedom. We took that for granted. Now freedom is chipping away…………..


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