Cast Shadows

20th May 2023 Beena


Hi thereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I posted this painting as my Friday greeting. I had many comments. Baiju said it was beautiful, subtle and elegant because of its simplicity. I wish to agree with that. Many wondered if it was a village or kampong, as we refer to a village. And many wanted to know where this place is. To all I say, I painted this from a painting that I liked on Pinterest.


I was attracted to this painting because of the shading required for the wooden hut. In addition, there was that element of perspective for those wooden beams. I used watercolour to paint and needed many layers before I got the final look I was happy with😊😊😊.


Here, I like to write an analogy with life. The beauty of the hut/shed is because of the shadows cast by the roof or the wooden beams and the sun’s direction. Without the shadows, the shed would be a flat piece of work and unattractiveπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’. Like us, we all have our flaws. That is what makes us different and sometimes obnoxious, tooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.


Nevertheless, life is more interesting because we all have cast shadowsπŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š. We gather our shadows with life’s experiences; some we delete or change based on circumstances. Those whose lives have no shadows are like the shed that will look flat and unattractive 😰🀣🀣. Let me know your thoughts on this topic😊😊😊.

6 thoughts on “Cast Shadows

  1. I recently read in whatsapp a msg which read
    ..” I have never met a strong person with an easy past”
    Similarly as an artist your rendition of shadows bring out the depth in the wood beams and the
    sense of a 3D look.The trees some how don’t reflect that, and could have been avoided totally since the wooden structure alone and fills quite a large area in the canvas

  2. The building looks dilapidated but the details depicted on it are extraordinary.
    On the other hand the bluish tinted sign hanging up there gives life to the building – makes it look more alive! It is the first thing that caught my attention.

    1. Hi Vani

      Thars very interesting that the turquoise flag caught your attention. This is a line and wash so I used ink pen in the foreground and on the flag. Thanks

  3. Hi Beena
    Your painting is super…I find no defects…the wooden beams & hut are perfect.
    Hats off to you Beena…

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