
14th January 2023 Mr Nandakumar


I painted these flowers, commonly found everywhere, as I feel happy seeing their vibrant colours. It made me think; we all need cheerleaders in our lives, right?


These flowers are named Nasturtium, which means nose twister. I thought that was funny. But the original meaning of this name had nothing to be cheerful. In 1597, Swedish Botanist Carl Linnaeus named this plant Tropaeoleum majus based on an ancient tradition. After a victory, Romans erected a trophy pole and hung the armour and helmets of the vanquished foe. For Linneus, the round leaves looked like shields and the flowers like blood-stained helmets. What a gory connection to the name!!


Nevertheless, these flowers provide great joy, and in abundance, they enhance their beauty. We need to find our cheerleaders. For some, it may be loved ones; for others, it may be whatever gives us joy. Have a great Sunday๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š.

2 thoughts on “Cheerleaders

  1. Nice painting and interesting story to go with it :-). How could such a beautiful plant remind Linnaeus of such a gory scene?!?!?


  2. I just loved the rich green of the leaves and yellow and orange of the nasturtium blossoms against a stark black background.
    Hats off to you, Nandakumar!
    Keep em coming….

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