Creativity flows when least expected

24th November 2024 Mr Nandakumar


Last night, after popping two tabs, I threw the empty stirp into the bin. My aim was so good that it hit the side of the bin and landed back at my feet, like how a pet comes back to you when you gently push him away. I felt as if it was a living thing (not to mention I’m probably living because of it😊😊). I gently bent down, pondering how best to put that to use. There was a scrap of orange-coloured paper lying on my desk.

I began trimming the edge of the empty blister pack. Then, I drew the sun and a few mountains around it. I took the empty tab strip and, using the edge, drew the sun’s golden/silver rays with acrylic and watercolours, creating the card attached to this post. You can see that tab strip.


I realised that creativity happens when you least expect it. I hope you, too, find your creativity. I wish you all a great weekend😊.


1 thought on “Creativity flows when least expected

  1. Impressive painting indeed … Esp with the tabby pet following suit.

    Keep painting … Creativity is the best healer in all of us.

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