Doing Nothing

23rd September 2023


Hello everyone😊😊. I painted this garden of flowers using acrylic paint. The original version is by Emil Nolde (1867-1956). It was oil on canvas titled Grosser Mohn. He was a German artist who painted these lovely poppies. I don’t think I did enough justice to the poppies 😰😰.


Nevertheless, I liked his painting. It reminded me of a peaceful garden with lots of flowers. What does one do in such a place? NothingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I want you to reflect on the last time you did nothingπŸ€”πŸ€”. How did it feel? Many of us are programmed to be active most of the time.


However, I love those moments of doing nothing. At those moments, I look at my plants or my gals. It gives me a purpose to do nothing😎. It sounds silly that there is a purpose in doing nothing. I find those blissful moments to be energising. The intent is to do nothing. Many feel that we must always keep ourselves occupied; otherwise, it is labelled as wasting time. I am unsure how others feel, but I would love to hear from youπŸ˜ŠπŸ™.

4 thoughts on “Doing Nothing

  1. “Doing nothing” is so crucial to each one of that is the time the brain sorts out information received through the senses across the day..

    During quiet time the brain stores relevant information appropriately to retrieve it later when required. The useless information is discarded.

    This is also the time that helps to analyze problems/challenges and solutions pop up easily.

    “Doing nothing” is also being mindful and being in the moment..savouring each sensation, observing the flow of thoughts without reacting.

    Am sure all this validates the need for “doing nothing”..

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