Forest Walk

12th July 2024 Beena


Hello everyone. Today, I posted a painting called “A Walk in the Forest”. Melvin sent me this photo some time ago. I have always hesitated to paint from photos as I am still in the early phase of my artwork. Lately, I have been toying with painting in an impressionist style. I took a gamble and painted this in an impressionist style with acrylic paint. Despite my initial doubts, the feeling of accomplishment I had when I finished this piece was truly rewarding🫠.


Many gave me a thumbs-up for this work. This row of trees is in the reservoir park in Kuching. The park has trees, a small artificial lake, and a little Japanese bridge. One day, I will paint that part of the park. There are more extensive reservoir parks in other countries. However, I like the old trees here, and it is a good workout for older people like meπŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½. You can walk on your own as it is pretty safe. As the terrain is not flat, many challenges exist, like going uphill and downhill.


After the walk, I felt great even though I didn’t sweat much. It was because I had this sense of achievement. I know it may sound silly, but I am nervous about walking alone when the sky is still dark and few people are around. As Jen said, there may be evil lurking behind those trees🀣🀣🀣. Madhu said,” Be careful of tigers”. Well, I successfully circumvented all that when I finished uneventfully. The walk was not without its challenges, with the uneven terrain and the occasional steep incline, but the sense of accomplishment at the end was worth it. Then I went to have breakfast and felt good. So, guys, you don’t need a forest to walk. You can walk at home, and that is good enoughπŸ€—πŸ€—.

4 thoughts on “Forest Walk

  1. The picture reminds me of my academic career journey. Like the forest, there is a lot to explore, many rabbit holes, and many distractions. Most of the time, I felt lost in the mesmerizing scholarly forest. Just like a light at the end of the trees, after many attempts, I found the right path, hoping to survive the academic woods successfully. Thank you for the picture, Dr. Beena.

    1. Hi Priya

      Lovely to read your comments. Glad that the forest walk reminded you of your wonderful journey. You have succeeded brilliantly. I am very proud of your achievements. Keep going and explore, you will find hidden treasures.

    1. Haha, thats a huge compliment. Hmm, i feel like a beginner in both areas, long way to go.

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