
12th August 2022 Dr Beena

Hello everyone, once again, a week has flown. I painted this Blue Heron from a photo taken by an old friend. He took up photography as a means to destress. It is like how I took to painting during the pandemic. At the start of the lockdown, I was very stressed. Mika was hospitalized after surgery to remove the toy that got stuck in her oesophagus. I was devastated😢😢. That was the start of my painting😊.

When my friend told me his reason for his new passion, it resonated with what I was going through. Many of us are going through issues that are causing us mental anguish. We need to find inspiration to keep us going. According to Kala, inspiration changes with time and ageing. Hence till death, let us hope that there will always be something to inspire us. I have observed my girls ( Zara, Mika and now Yumi); they get inspired even by a bird in the garden🤣🤣🤣.

Inspiration is a somewhat ambiguous feeling. Every week, I need something to inspire me to paint the “Friday Greeting”. Today, many told me that they look forward to that greeting. Due to different time zones, some of you get it on Thursday evening😉😉. Some remarked that the greeting lets them know the week is over😎😎. It’s time to unwind. You all gave me hope, and I felt inspired to write this story🤗🤗.

I hope my painting and my musing on this topic will inspire others too. Our spirits need to be uplifted from time to time. On that note, I wish everyone happy reading and may you find your inspiration🐶🐶🐶🙏.

12 thoughts on “Inspiration

    1. Thank you for your support always. I find great inspiration from all of you. Everyday I learn something new and I suppose that keeps me going:).

  1. Beena, your writing is an inspiration to all of us. And your paintings are great…no one can believe you only started painting recently…super paintings, keep it up. God bless.

  2. Beena you’re sending out lots of positive vibes and love which we all need more of in such changing times as we are experiencing now

    1. Yes, was chatting with one of my colleagues this morning. All we hear these days is news that pulls us down. Of course, such news also gets a greater readership. However, I wish to write on mundane stuff that we can all relate to. I believe we all need to feel grounded at such times. I hope my writings will bring that perspective. Thanks for your comment:)

  3. Interesting Inspiration writing which I think must be from bottom of your heart.
    Every friend of yours are looking forward to Friday anxiously.
    You keep your girls and do paintings to distress yourself where as I keep some chicken to distress myself too and it works.
    See you next Friday.

  4. Dr Beena just when I was wondering how you’re doing two weeks ago and appointments that didn’t materialise on many occasions due to unforeseen weather on my end you popped up with such a beautiful painting of the heron

    Its hard to believe you took up painting at such a brief period during the covid pandemic and it looks like its painted by a seasoned painter … well done

    Its a truly timely inspirational remarks for me personally what you have shared when life at times can be in a turmoil and you came at the right time to uplift me and the feelings of ‘ you’re not alone’ 👍👏🌹🥰

    Keep ‘paint -brushing’ the colours of hope and love Dr Beena and be an inspiration to many others …

    Keep your inspirational stories going ….

    1. Hi Lau

      Glad you liked the story. It is just my thoughts but am glad it helped you. Just remember, whatever goes down has only one way to and that’s up. So cheer up. Maybe look at stuff from a different perspective and maybe it is not so down anymore:)

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