Just Leaves

21st January 2024 Mr Mani Menon & Beena


Hi everyone, I have posted an artwork by Mr Mani Menon today. He created this using hibiscus leaves. These leaves have beautiful, intricate veins. He applied acrylic paint on one side and pressed them on thick paper. After that, he gently lifts the leaves to reveal the fascinating design created by those veins.


One could be creative using stuff that you could find around your house. Hibiscus leaves are utilised by many as a natural shampoo and conditioner. Now, we learn another use for those leaves. Every day, I discover something new๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—. I hope you will find creative ways to destress as I do๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‚.

2 thoughts on “Just Leaves

    1. Hi Mani

      It is with great pleasure that you guys allow me to write. It keeps my mind active as I need to think before I write.



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