Just Lines Vrish

24th January 2023 Mr Mani Menon



Trees are such fascinating creations indeed! 

It’s not just on account of their soothing verdant presence nor the welcome shade they offer from the hot sun or a sudden downpour.

That a tree is an entire ecosystem by itself escapes most of us! It produces flowers and fruits for all to relish. The myriad creatures that feed off the fruits live—-and die—on it is beyond comprehension.


Not to mention the winged raptors that come calling, in search of food or a place to roost and, perhaps, build a nest and raise their families….


All this prompted me to sketch a tree as a tribute to this beautiful creation…



16 thoughts on “Just Lines Vrish

  1. Such beautiful lines! The lack of color may be a grouse for some but not for me. Mani my good friend of old times uses mostly trees and flowers as subjects and the black hues to me, reflect the tough times they are in, because of us humans. Keep it going Mani and may God be with you.

  2. Your introduction to your piece of art is equally interesting to read .! Immensely proud of your work,and I am glad you are getting due recognition for it.

  3. Mani, I ve been a fan of your sketches, writings and the hundreds of lovely art objects you create. You got magic fingers. Absolutely unique and amazing lines of imagination. Wish you all the best.

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