Luscious Oranges

21st January 2024 Madam Wang Kheng Boi


I would love to introduce Madam Wang. She is a Pippin’s Art Studio student, where I go for art classes. She has a warm and enthusiastic personality and is always full of life💃🏽💃🏽. She loves to write Chinese poems🫠. She composed this poem for the art class painting of oranges. She painted this in watercolour for Chinese New Year, just around the corner. I hope you enjoy her painting and the poem that she wrote🙏🤗.


The oranges are ripe,

and their fragrance fills the air

with a flourishing breeze.

Wang Kheng Boi

6 thoughts on “Luscious Oranges

  1. She is the best big sister we could ever have, she cares for the family and loves all of us with her kind and caring heart.

    1. Boi Hua,
      I m very happy being born in the Wang family. The four of us as siblings.
      Our dear parents have brought us up truly well to instill in us to the value of responsibilities, love among siblings n the important of give n take n other values in life.
      I am honoured n happy to be your best big sister.
      Wishing our future days liken the ripen oranges that emitting the sweet fragrance. 🍊🥰😍

  2. ~~~A Special Soul~~~

    Through works, we met…
    Both were young and energetic…
    We lost touch since then.
    Technologies have made us reconnected …
    That happiness is beyond words..

    A client, a friend now a mom…
    A talented, outspoken and trustworthy being…
    Never a moment of regret …
    Too much things in common that have tickled us tremendous lots..
    Her laughters are always fresh in my head..
    At least, that’s the way I recall her..

    Oranges shine, so does she !
    She is the Sunkist,
    She is the Sun,
    Guiding me when I seek her advice…
    If there is afterlife,
    I would like to be in this orange farm

    She is wonderful ,
    She is kindhearted ,
    She is every woman !

    1. Thank you for your compliments kind words about my personalities n my 🍊🍊 drawing.
      Words just cannot fully describe my feelings.
      I appreciate very much for our special friendship n bonding until the days no more.
      There will always a special place in my heart for you as a friend n a ‘son’. I will be your Sunkist orange forever. 🍊😍🥰

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