My Imperfect Prince Charming

22nd July 2023 Beena


Hello guys😊😊. I received numerous comments on my Prince Charming the FrogπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Nevertheless, let me elaborate a bit about this painting. It is a watercolour painting and not done in crayon, as some of you thought.


When I saw this painting on Pinterest, I was attracted to it because it looked like a curious frogπŸ˜‰. Only one person felt the same way as I did. Most thought that he looked cute or charming and had beautiful eyes. One said she wished her prince charming would manifestπŸ€”πŸ« . Isn’t that sweet? Another felt that it is more important to be caring than charmingπŸ™. But one was obsessed that my Frog had a missing forelimb🀨🀨. However, I thought my Frog needed to be imperfect, just like me🀣🀣. This Frog could have been born without that forelimb or lost it due to some injury. Isn’t life all about imperfections and how we learn to adapt to them? 😎😎. However, one identified himself with the Frog very much, meaning he is trying to balance himself against all odds and has surfaced successfully. It happened to be his birthday; Happy Birthday, dear friendπŸŽ‚.


So guys, let me know; are you still waiting for your Prince Charming, or have you never believed in such fantasy tales? Would you accept my imperfect, curious Frog with beautiful eyes? Thanks, guys, for reading and posting your comments. I enjoy those comments; they keep me young😎😎.

3 thoughts on “My Imperfect Prince Charming

  1. Never thought a frog would evoke so many thoughts- or was it your artistic presentation of the frog that did it precariously balanced on a fig ?

  2. I was truly mesmerized by how a single image can be interpreted in so many ways. Each of the stories made me realize how much a person’s experiences and beliefs shape their perception of the world. I felt like I was wearing customized glasses to view the world, setting expectations on everyone who crossed my path. It is intriguing to realize how ignorant I was of my own imperfections, just like the frog. The frog image paints a picture worth a million words.

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