My Zebra


15th August 2024 Beena


Hey everyone! I was absolutely ecstatic when I completed this drawing of a female zebraπŸ’ƒπŸ½. Last week, I lacked the inspiration to paint until Amal sent me a photo that caught my eye. I decided to channel my courage and sketch it out. As I progressed, I fell in love with the final lookπŸ˜…πŸ˜….


You might wonder why I believe this zebra is a female (mare). After some research, I discovered that there are three zebra species: Grevy, Plains, and Mountain. The one I drew is the Plains Zebra, known for its distinctive stripes that are unique to each zebra and determined at birth. Plains Zebras migrate over long distances and depend on water, unlike the other species. They live in family units with a hierarchical system where the longest-serving female holds the top rank, teaching us the value of loyalty🀣🀣🀣. Even the transition of older stallions to younger ones is remarkably peaceful. Isn’t that incredible? There’s so much we can learn from them, don’t you agreeπŸ€—? One crucial point to mention is that they are difficult to domesticate and cannot be kept as petsπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰.


Drawing this zebra was a meaningful experience for me. It taught me that consistent practice leads to improvement. I hope you enjoyed reading about my latest artistic endeavour 😊😊😊.

8 thoughts on “My Zebra

  1. Consistency is the secret key to achieve greatness. This is shown via this art well. To have patiency and moving forward steadily in daily life, helps us to overcome the barriers faced throughout the journey of life. May we all cherish each other’s uniqueness just like the strips of the Zebra πŸ€“

    1. Hi Siri,
      Thats a beautiful comment with a lovely piece of art. I hope I am creative to paint that piece.

      Much love


  2. I’ve learnt a lot about zebras from this post. It struck me that zebras keep male harems! A nice change from the human world.

    1. Yes Nyuk they are far advanced than us. We have so much to learn. Plus they don’t have internet or social media, hahaha.

  3. I’ve learnt a lot about zebras from this post. It truck me that zebras keep male harems! A nice change from the human world.

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