Not the End of the Road

4th March 2022 Ms Lillian Goh

Hello everyone. I wish to introduce my good friend Lillian Chong. I met Lillian more than two decades ago. She lives in Malacca, a beautiful small state in West Malaysia. It is known for being a popular tourist destination with many historical places. Malacca is closely associated with the Peranakans. Below is Lillian’s story.

“I began painting this picture a month ago. I had bought these pieces in December but didn’t feel like painting. My dear friend from Kuching inspired me to paint. You see, every Friday, she will send me her picture with an inspirational message. She sends me a painting every Friday. During my school days, we did some artwork. So it was with great apprehension that I embarked on this adventure. 😊😊 it is indeed an adventure. These pieces come with numbers, and all you need to do is put the colours in that space. Easy right?

Sometimes, we venture into the unknown because of changes in our lives. I was feeling down, sad and depressed due to some personal issues. Hence, I thought painting would help me. But I could not find that inspiration. Now I fully understand why artists need inspiration😊. Nothing could bring back my zeal for painting, drawing or even doing art and craft stuff. But I could not just sit and cry! I have to pick myself up. Be happy!

That’s when I decided to start with simple, small steps. Start with paint by numbers, and hopefully, I will get through the days. I have progressed from my first set to now my fifth set. Painting has eased my heartache. I don’t feel as lonely as before and find my zest to live has returned😊. I can now do all the things that I neglected. Painting saved my lif😊. I feel a certain peace within me and can move on with my life.

 Thank you, Beena, for being my catalyst!”

6 thoughts on “Not the End of the Road

  1. Hi Lillian,
    Your art work is so impressive. You have painted all the fine lines so well. It is so pleasing to the eyes especially when we see nature at its best. Do keep painting and let us admire your work.

  2. Wow Lilian.. that is a beautiful piece of Art..even of it is paint ny numbers requires a great deal of concentration..patience and skill..and you have accomplished in creating something that is so joyful and visually appealing ..

    Thank you for sharing both the Artwork and the write up..would love to see more from you..

    1. Dear Suchitra, thank you for your lovely words. This piece is confusing to do because the colors tones are nearly the same. It’s only when you see it from a distance that I can appreciate the differences.
      Thank you!😁

  3. It has been some time since I visited this site to look at the beautiful paintings and lovely musings that are being posted by the group. It was so very (pleasantly) surprising to me to see how many new paintings have been posed and stories told since I last visited the site!! It is particularly heartwarming to see how the group is growing, how more people are benefiting from the joy of painting and writing, and how Beena and others who are participating in this effort have been able to lift each others’ spirits and improve their well-being.

    Thank you ALL for sharing your paintings and your stories along the way. I leave the site today feeling lighter and content. Namaste!


    1. Dear Allan

      Lovely to hear from you. Yes am so glad that others have shared their work as well as painting. It is so encouraging especially when the world is going through turbulent times. I sincerely hope more will continue to participate.

      Hope you too will continue to participate


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