Reading Books

5th May 2023 Isaiah Ong and Beena


Hello everyone. I have posted another doodle from Isaiah Ong. I love the message that he sent with his doodle art.


These days, reading has taken a back seat. I suppose the reason is that we are always in a rushπŸ€”πŸ€”. Here I will talk about myself. I used to read so much from a young age. I was addicted to Enid Blyton, Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, Bronte, Tolkien, Tolstoy and many more. I read Rowling’s first four books without taking a break😰😰. Then I took a pauseπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ and hadn’t finished the last two books that were sitting on my shelf. I do dust them occasionally but haven’t had the curiosity to read.


One of the books that has left a great impression on me is “Beyond Pardon” by Bertha M Clay. Her suffering was meaningless, as her love was unintentional. However, Blyton’s books kept me happy😊😊😊.


Once I began working, I read whenever I got time. Nevertheless, I still used to read. But these past two years, I don’t feel like reading, and I feel sad about a beautiful habit I had all these years. Have I gotten caught up in the frenzy of rushing through lifeπŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½? Why? Or do I find excuses to do something elseπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή?


Thank you, Isaiah, for that noteworthy message about reading books. Please share your comments on my musings on reading a bookπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™.

1 thought on “Reading Books

  1. You’re not alone in this. I’ve become this way too, but for me, it’s the ubiquitous presence of smart devices that are literally at my fingertips, fighting for attention and time. I’ve succumbed to their attractions at the expense of reading. The only redeeming grace is that I now listen to audiobooks on the phone. It’s not quite the same as the warm feeling of holding a physical book and using our eyes and enjoying it at our own pace.

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