Salt of Life

18th January Lavendar Jong and Beena


Hallstatt is known for its picturesque village, with a population of 780 people and daily tourists’ arrival of ten thousand since 1997, when it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. This town became popular among East Asians after being shown in a Korean movie😂😂. However, the place became wealthy for salt mining from pre-historic times and has the world’s oldest salt mine. In addition, it is famous for its graves😉😉. I am not sure if tourists will visit those graves🤔🤔. A replica of Hallstatt can be found in Huizhou, China, if you don’t wish to travel that far😊😊.


I want to add my musings on salt. Salt is an essential ingredient for us. We need salt to be alive, in our food, for preservation, for cleaning, and, of course, in watercolour to create a beautiful textured appearance☺️☺️. I wonder what a saltless life would look like; do you have any thoughts?


I hope you will like her painting as much as I did☺️🙏.

2 thoughts on “Salt of Life

  1. How can anyone not like such a beautiful painting. I wonder how long it took her to paint it. Beena, thanks for the interesting information on Hallstatt. As for salt, owing to my high blood pressure, I have been reducing its intake for health’s sake. As I get older, I prefer to eat my food unsalted.

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