Simple Beetiful Life

17th June 2022 Dr Beena

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I wrote my thoughts. I painted these beets on my sketchbook more as a practice, but it turned out pretty good😊. My challenges were to paint the beets as round structures and the leaves with some curves. I was delighted with what I got. What a “beetiful” painting that was😊.

Now two days ago, my laptop reminded me to update Microsoft which I did and went about my chores. When I returned to my computer, there was a message asking me to upgrade to Windows 11. I was not comfortable with that. So, I skipped that action. Unfortunately, soon after that, I could not listen to any sound from the news or you-tube channels. I thought, ah-ha, this is Microsoft’s way to make me upgrade and I finally upgraded, and yet there was no change. I did some troubleshooting of the audio setting (now that is very courageous of me).

The next day I took my laptop to the computer shop. The technician quickly diagnosed it as a speaker problem and needed three weeks for the part. My heart fell. He went on about how even though I may buy a good brand, the parts are cheap. To be without my laptop is like being on life support.  I told him that all this happened soon after I updated Microsoft. It was only then that he paid attention and remarked that he would take a look at it and maybe sort it out.

By the same evening, I got my laptop back. I am glad the technician listened to my little history about how it happened. It made a huge difference; otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing this story😊.

If only technology was as easy as painting these beets. I was under duress till I got my laptop. I am not sure how many of you have technophobia as I do. I hope you can share your thoughts😊. Till then, happy “beetiful” weekend.

2 thoughts on “Simple Beetiful Life

  1. I love this painting – I think it’s the unassuming simplicity of the picture that really attracts me. I looked at it for ages, seeing details I would otherwise miss in a “busier” painting.
    And it’s a little bit funny in an ironic kind of way that the accompanying story of this beetiful down to earth painting talks about the challenges of modern technology and our absolute dependence on it 😀
    Love this website, thanks for introducing it to me.

    1. Hi Lay Kun

      Thanks for appreciating my art and my thoughts. Its one way of expressing ourselves. Hope you will share with others about this site.:)

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