Socotra Island and Patience

5th February 2022 Dr Beena

Hello everyone. Today we have an exciting piece of art. It is called a cross-stitch. I am not sure how many of you are familiar with this art. The craft reminds me of needlepoint from ancient Egypt. Though both are hand embroidery, they are different. Dr Mathew George did this exquisite piece of art. He captured the tiny details of the beach, the clouds in the sky and the serenity of the place😊.

You can take any picture as your object and convert it to a cross-stitch pattern. A myriad of pixels of varying hues determines the complexity of the design. The number of pixels will define the effect you wish to achieve. There will be more pixels if you want to have a 3D effect. You can do this design on cloth, canvas using a blunt-tipped needle. First, place the colour threads you plan to use and fill up the pixel accurately. Apply sufficient tension on the stitches so the outcome looks smooth. The number of hues will vary depending on the effect of the picture.

Here, he has created the beach on Socotra Island. I was amazed as I learned something new today😊. It is in Yemen, and the island is famous for the Dragon Blood tree, not found anywhere else😊😊. The beaches are spectacular with white sands. The island is sparsely populated, and you will find goats everywhere with limited modern amenities. Like that cross-stitch artwork, this idyllic place aims to evoke feelings of serenity.

Patience is a virtue that needs constant practice. Some of us are inherently calm, while others acquire it through practice. When we visit places that do not offer us creature comforts, we tend to be impatient. Despite the tranquillity of Socotra beach, we need tons of patience when we are there. My little advice, if you are not ready for such an adventure, do not embark on it😊.

I wish to thank Mathew George for permitting me to write my musings on his superb work. I can see the hours of enduring work. I feel calm just looking at his art. It belies this form of art’s intricacies like the Socotra Island. The beaches on that island are peaceful, but the facilities of the place are minimal.

I am excited to share my thoughts and grateful to Mathew. I learned something new today and reminded myself to practise being patient: till the next musing, happy practising to be patient.

4 thoughts on “Socotra Island and Patience

  1. Cross-stitch is a form of art work that needs a lot of patience and endurance. It can make one have a calm and peaceful mind. Our love for an artwork reflects and teaches us how we truly feel inside.

  2. Thanks Dr Ittymani.I am only a beginner , always trying to improve.Patience is the key in cross stitch work to avoid errors and thus saving the time.I value your comments with high esteem

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