Spicy Red

29th September 2023 Beena


Hello guys. Why do people love the colour red? As you can see, my two red chillies received many compliments. My regular critique gave me 100 marks😂😂. Of course, I was thrilled by the marks💃🏽💃🏽. Even the emojis are in red. Looks like we can’t get enough of red today.


The painting is a still-life in poster colour. The red is a blend of many hues, ranging from a base colour of yellow-orange, and I added blue-violet for shadow areas. When I was painting, I was frustrated as I struggled with getting the right shade.


Red is an auspicious colour. It is used in celebratory occasions, primarily weddings. Red is found in the flags of many countries. But it is also used to denote danger or a warning. So red is a contradictory colour having both sides to it. Hmm, very interesting, as it depicts life.


Life is full of ups and downs, as one of my friends remarked when she saw the painting. She felt that the heat of the spiciness of the chilly represented the dark moments in our lives. Where there is a down, there will be an up. We need to buckle up when we go down. So, I wish everyone a spicy weekend. Here, tonight, we are celebrating the mid-autumn festival. Mooncakes and lanterns feature during this festival💃🏽💃🏽. Enjoy your weekend, wherever you are🙏😊.

1 thought on “Spicy Red

  1. Mmmh mooncakes, i miss mooncakes! Impossible to find them in Belgium… 😞
    It is interesting that in Asia red is associated to weddings. In Europe nobody would go in red to a wedding… (nor in white as it is for the bride, like red in China)
    For European women to dress in red says « look at me » and also « i m strong, self confident, chat me up if you dare ». I wonder if it carries the same kind of meanings in Asia ?

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