20th September 2024 Beena
Hello, everyone. Today, I shared a breathtaking watercolour painting of a sunset on Mantanani Island, Sabah. The beauty of this piece, sent to me by Jane Tan Yee Mun, has sparked a wave of inspiration and appreciation among many of you.
Painting sunsets or the sky with clouds is always a fascinating challenge. I layered colours over the initial lavender hue, and used tissue paper to create the clouds. Many of you were curious about the location of the sun, given the brilliant sun colours in the sea. When I was painting, that was my question, too. But in my focus to capture the essence of the photo, I let go of that thought.
That made me realise that sometimes you only need some details. Many of us love to ask probing questions. What is the relevance of those questions? Unless it is so crucial to make a decision. But other than that, enjoy the moment.
Often, I find myself in a sticky situation. When I narrate something to friends, I am bombarded with questions. I realised that when I had heard that story from another person, I listened without interrupting the person who was relating the story. I find certain joy in just listening and cherish that moment. In our fast-paced life, listening and opining only if the need arises is worthwhile. I would love to read your thoughts on my musings.
8 thoughts on “Stop, Listen and Cherish the Moment”
I am more taken by the clouds which add mystery to The Land Below The Cloud.
Hmm, interesting
Hi Beena, I am still curious to know where the sun is because I rarely come across a ‘sunless’ sunset. I guess it is hidden by the thick clouds.
Hi Jen,
Since Jane who took the photo is unsure, she presumes the sun must be hidden under the clouds. We can’t think where else the sun could be?
Those clouds are just extraordinary
A Beautiful Painting, Dr.
People often go to great lengths to witness a sunset, traveling miles and even spending extra money for the experience. Yet, this is the same sun we shield ourselves from with umbrellas, fearing the health risks of prolonged exposure at noon.
The value of the sun changes with time, offering profound moments of self-reflection. When we are calm and radiant, like a sunset, we attract others for positive reasons. However, when our demeanor resembles the harsh, midday heat, we must accept being avoided, ignored, or even isolated. Nature never fails to teach us the lessons of life.

Thanks Priya for your lovely interpretation of the sunset scene. We sometimes overlook the beauty of nature.
A beautifully captured twighlight sky..the colours so vividly portrayed both in the sky and in the water.
Why do we need an answer always..can we just be and enjoy the moment?.. the powerful beauty of Nature..in all it’s magnificence