What we need………..

31st October 2022 Marilys and Beena



Hello everyone😊. Once again, a painting by Marilys and a story by Beena😅. Marilys painted this when she was young. She loves quirky stuff, and this painting depicts it🤣🤣🤣.


When I saw this painting, I thought, wow, all we need is just someone who understands. We are complicated in our thoughts. It is sometimes hard to express our feelings and ideas to others. You will find that as we move on in life, we will come across people with varying opinions. Some will align with our ways, and others will not. It is crucial to understand that even those who align with our thoughts may still differ at times. That is fine, as we can’t have a “yes man” all the time. In a healthy relationship, one learns to find ways to disagree without getting toxic.


 Hmm,🤔 I don’t wish to get philosophical here, but from my experience, I find that different people can contribute to our well-being 😊. We need to learn to filter those suggestions that are unhelpful😉. Once you realise that, life becomes less complex🙏😊. I hope you will share your thoughts on the painting in the comment section🙏🙏🙏.

1 thought on “What we need………..

  1. Actually i painted this very recently (with the app “Tayasui sketches”) but it is a subject I first painted when i was young indeed. It is very easy to paint: 1/ a blue sky, 2/ a moon and 3/ two shadow of cats looking at the moon. Done.
    A good subject for lazy artists like me! And with the app you can make easily “special effect” like the the watercolor effect of the sky. 😜

    I don’t know why but in my mind thoses cats are in Paris… probably because there a lot of cats on roofs of Paris (i know from experience as i lived there), but the night sky in Paris is never so dark blue, it is actually dirty orange… too much light pollution.
    Whatever it can be a romantic subject if the 2 cats are same size and bent heads at eachothers. With a little and a bigger cat it conveys something different – that i like.
    Something like closeness, tenderness… in any case, definitively something we need in our lives.

    I had to check the dictionary to understand “quirky” (i m french, so speak bad English). I think we also need quirky stuff in our lives, even quirky people. Normality is such an heavy imperative… while it is so boring !

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