Why Monday Blues?

17th December 2021 Dr Beena

Hello everyone๐Ÿ˜Š. I had many questions after sending out the Blue sweet pea flower greeting. Why is the colour so dark? When one of my friends sent me the picture of a white pea flower, I realised they come in different hues. I learnt something new today. Before moving on to the flower, let me describe why the colour is so intense. I painted this on khadi paper. Then it occurred that the pigment is very stark when I paint on this paper. I learnt a lesson not to paint botanicals on khadi paper.

Sometimes things can feel very” blue” in life, and we cannot fathom why. Take a break or a step back. The answer may not happen immediately, but with time it does. When that answer manifests, it can be stupendous. Have you experienced that before? Please share your thoughts if you wish๐Ÿ˜Š.

Nonetheless, I always had Monday bluesโ˜นโ˜น. It was pretty terrible. I remember I would get a stomach ache๐Ÿ˜Š in school. My parents used to be very concerned. My mom would try to get the school notes from my classmates to avoid missing out on schoolwork.

I often wondered where the Monday blue theory originated. In Germany, overindulgence over the weekend with alcohol and fist and cudgels led to bruises (1790) among the tradesmen and disorderly behaviour. They did not like to work on Mondays to get over the pleasurable time they had over the weekend. I experience similar feelings of “blue” after a good holiday. It is like I wish it never ended๐Ÿ˜Š.

Hence, feeling “blue” is expected. So there is no need to fret about that feeling. It will pass with time. I occupy myself doing something so that I have no time to think๐Ÿ˜Š. Taking a walk or cleaning your house will help to clear that feeling. Or you can make kueh (local cakes) or nasi kerabu ( blue coloured rice) with the blue pea flower and enjoy the thrill of indulgence and not have the โ€œbluesโ€ that those Germans had๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š.

Till the next musing, stay safe and wish you a rosy weekend๐Ÿ˜Š.

4 thoughts on “Why Monday Blues?

  1. I really love your blue sweet peas. It is a very pleasurable blue to me, filled with just the right dash of mystery too.
    When I was at school, I remember always feeling really blue (not your blue lol) on Fridays. An I mean every Friday! Nothing could feel good on that day: The weather, the food, the class subject and on… Monday blues make sense to me, however I have always wondered about Friday blues.

    1. That is so new to me. Never heard of Friday blues๐Ÿ˜” maybe you like school so much. Have ypu thought about it? I had a horrible teacher n hence my blues๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช

  2. Monday Bluesโ€ฆ. Ha ha .. Reminded of the famous Tom Sawyer .. creation of Mark Twain. How he used to feign sickness on Monday mornings to avoid school.๐Ÿ˜„. An empathetic understanding of that feeling was always there in me .. I should confess . Especially after a good weekend.

    The German origin of this term is new to me . Thanks for sharing.

    Your painting as usual , oozes class . Keep on With the efforts, Beena . And the branching into flowers is duly noted . ๐Ÿ˜„

    1. Hey, so we have more in common than we thought. Thanks for sharing your “blue” days. I would never have shared before as I felt it made me look weak. But then I was unaware that many actually had those blues:).

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