Window to the soul

24th June 2022 Dr Beena

Hello everyone, today I like to talk about my love for the eye. Last week, in our Art class, I had to paint the eye. I was intrigued. Even when I was young, I would always doodle the eye. Strangely, I always drew only one eye. I never understood why I did that. When the class was boring, doodling helped me. In this assignment, we had to paint in abstract form. But I didn’t want to follow that instruction and painted a realistic eye. Then another student suggested I do some splattering to make it look more abstract. I loved the outcome. This art has a combination of ink and watercolour paint.

I think the eye is an integral part of our emotional being. We can derive a lot of information from the eyes. I am not sure if others would agree. I can detect honesty, anxiety, depression, happiness and many more emotions in the eyes of the beholder. Maybe that is how the phrase ” the eyes are the window to the soul”. Many times, I have detected sadness even though the person is smiling. Recently, I saw a picture of some of my old classmates. Everyone looked happy except three. One looked exceptionally sad. However much we try to camouflage our lives, our eyes hold the truth. Please share your thoughts on your own experience.

Till the next musing, enjoy the moment.

3 thoughts on “Window to the soul

  1. I totally agree with you. Looking into one’s eyes I can sometimes receive the vibes be it positive or negative. See with one eye and feel with the other eye. To hit & aim U only need 1 eye. Well done, Dr. Beena

  2. I, too, used to doodle a single eye in my school days and carried it right through into my working life during boring meetings. For me, drawing two eyes is a challenge in symmetry and how to direct the vision of both eyes in the same direction. That’s me trying to be perfect. In real life, many eyes are not symmetrical, as indeed are my own. But I’m just thankful to still have reasonable eyesight to be able to enjoy the world we live in and the activities that I love.

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