
You Are Where You Are Meant To Be

13th August 2021 Mrs Kala Pohl

I loved living in San Francisco.  The mountains, valleys, water, ethnicity, food, politics.  And I thought, how miraculous that my first entry into the U.S. was a place that so closely represented who I am, deep inside.  I made friends easily there, people who shared similar tastes.  Since those were the hey days of my working life, most of my friends were from work.  I was fortunate to work and play with some great people.  Life was good.

Then I moved to Hawaii. It was a time of change in my life.  Of leaving one profession for another.  Of beginning my journey as an artist.  Hawaii was so conducive to that journey.  Visually the place inspired.  I grew as an artist and created new friendships with other artisans.  A whole new world.  I felt that this then was where I was meant to be, doing what I was born to do.  Things felt so right.

Then my father-in-law passed away in Florida.  We knew that soon we would have to move to be closer to my mother-in-law, who was alone.  We were not enamored with Florida.  This move just did not sit right with us, but we did what we had to do for family.  The first few years here, I kept finding fault with everything – it was too flat, too hot, too humid.  I hated the politics.  I couldn’t find good friends.  It just seemed so much harder to establish relationships.  Or was it because I had changed.  I was in a different phase in my life, not satisfied with frivolous and short-term friendships.  I wanted more.  So, this journey was much tougher.  This was also a time of intense spiritual learning for me and at one point, in frustration, I told my husband, “this place is a spiritual wasteland”.  I couldn’t find too many people that I could talk to about spiritual topics.  I often wondered what lessons I was supposed to learn from this move.  We decided when my mother-in-law was gone, we would move back to San Francisco or Hawaii.

17 years later.  My mother-in-law is no more.  My husband is no more.  But this now is home.  I still don’t like the politics.  But it is a favorite place, the best one for all of the experiences in my life.  Even though I can move, I choose not to.  My friendships here are the deepest and purest.  Not just good friends, but family.  People that I love and trust implicitly.  Friends who have helped me grow more spiritually than I could ever imagine.  More importantly, relationships that are full of love, acceptance and giving, devoid of drama and negativity.  I believe Someone up there heard my comment about the “spiritual wasteland” bit and decided to teach me a thing or two.

I have finally figured out that whatever happens, that is what is meant to happen.  It may not make much sense at that moment.  Yet, you are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, doing the right thing.  What do you think?

My digital painting of an everyday scene, the exquisite bird life, here in Florida.

6 thoughts on “You Are Where You Are Meant To Be

  1. Hi Kala

    Thank you for sharing your journey towards your artistic self. Your paintings reflect your vibrant personality. Your story reflects the unpredictability of life. I find there are times what we plan may not happen. However, it is about facing that challenge that matters. Nowadays, I do not try to make plans. Often, when expectations are not met, it is much harder to cope. Time and aging help one to be WISER:).

    Thanks, Kala

    Have a good day


  2. Dear Kala,

    A beautifully art piece which reflects life.
    No need to rush anywhere let’s enjoy right here where we at. When we take time off our calm mind becomes clearer of next action. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks Stephanie. Indeed, no need to rush. Can’t think of anything better than sitting in your beautiful garden, sipping tea:)

  3. Hi Kala,
    Your painting is so striking especially the great white egret that stands out from the rest. Your story is one where experience speaks volumes. We always long for the place where we grew up in and met our childhood friends but you gave a different view with spirituality as your preference. It brought about a deep sense of what each one seeks in life and the fact that none of us are immortal. Hope to read more of your stories and see more of your art work.


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