Zara’s resilience

14th July 2023 Beena

Hello there๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ. I posted Zaraโ€™s sketch today. I wish to describe this pencil sketch. I have struggled with drawing my girls all this while. But I love to have them in my paintings. They are my girls, right๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ ?


Zara underwent surgery for a growth on her right upper eyelid. She had this growth since Mika was unwell. Recently it started to grow, with bleeding and discharge. So after a discussion with her vet, she had to have blood taken for tests. How many of you are familiar with blood-taking for dogs? It is not an easy task๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข. Zara was brave during the process. Finally, on 3rd July, I had to drop her off by 8.30 am for the surgery. With her liver dysfunction, I worried she might not do well. But by 10.30, the vet called me to bring her lunch. She was delighted to see her mommy๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ. However, she had to remain in the vet clinic till evening for observation. Later when I picked her up, she wore a Victorian collar.


When we arrived home, Yumi treated her like she was an alien and stayed away from her. Zara had difficulty eating, but I fed her by hand. By the 5th day, I removed that ridiculous collar as I noticed her wound healing well.


The pencil drawing is from one of the pictures I took when she was lying on the stairs. She is too lazy to come down sometimes and will lie on the stairs to see how long it will take me to come up again. I am thrilled that many of you liked it. It gave my confidence a mega boost. Thank you all ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š. Zaraโ€™s resilience outweighs my confidence.

10 thoughts on “Zara’s resilience

  1. Zara’s eye that is open says it all. She is a very strong baby and a devoted companion for you Beena. I have never experienced such innocent love from any human as much as from the one and only Sparrow, my baby a beautiful n loving dog that I had the privilege to have in my life.

    1. We are priveledged to know such love. I think many go through life not knowing the depth of such love. It is unconditional. Pets can provide such love as they don’t have any agenda in their lives. Whereas humans often change over time. I don’t recognise some of them anymore as their core values have changed. I do wonder why?

  2. Enjoyed reading about Zara. Glad she is much better & recuperating.
    Beena, your pencil sketch of Zara is just great ! Hats off to you !!

  3. This is beautiful. It captures the essence of Zara of the moment – her expressive eyes with one recuperating and a lingering smile while the rest of her whiteness melds with the background.

    1. I have realised that pets recover at a better rate compared to humans. I think its because they follow their instinct and know exactly what they can and can’t do. Humans overthink and that doesn’t help. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Dear Beena.
    Capturing Zara’s pain and recovery.. even while you share hers is brought out the courage that both of you gained through the process..

    Take care โค๏ธ

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