18th June 2022 Ms Vasanthi Arasoo The floating city of canals seems to be a place known for romantics at heart to serenade their sweethearts through a ride along the famed canals in Venice while admiring the beauty of bridges and pre-historic buildings. An added bonus will be the strong and handsome boatmen or…
Author: Beena Devi
18th June 2022 Ms Vasanthi Arasoo They come in all colours and float on water surfaces to adorn nature. Water lilies like all other flowers are nature’s creation to bring harmony into the lives of busy people, especially those who badly need peace and serenity in their lives. My interest in water lilies blossomed…
Simple Beetiful Life
17th June 2022 Dr Beena Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I wrote my thoughts. I painted these beets on my sketchbook more as a practice, but it turned out pretty good😊. My challenges were to paint the beets as round structures and the leaves with some curves. I was delighted with what I…
Hoots and toots
27th May 2022 Dr Beena Hello guys! Today I will discuss this Owl painting. Yeah, once again, it was a challenge. We had to paint this in abstract form and create the conceptual work by a free flow of the paint. That means we need to allow the paint to flow. I had already painted…
Bronte and a Getaway
23rd May 2022 Dr Beena Hello guys, I hope all are faring well😊. I wish to describe this painting which was my art classwork. In this class, I learned to use pastels to create this painting. Pastels come in various forms. I used the hard type of pastel, not the oil-based ones here. For the…
Have no Fear
20th May 2022 Ms Lillian Goh Hmmm.. tada my first oil painting! 😊 About two months ago, I excitedly signed up when National Cancer Society Malaysia (Melaka branch) organize free oil painting classes under Mr Goh Ser Heng. There were FREE eight classes😊😊. I thought since I had done some paintings in my teenage…
Finding Beenasso
6th May 2022 Dr Beena Hello there, I hope everyone is faring well😊. Yeap, today we will discuss Cubism and Picasso. I could never understand abstract art. Hence, I would walk past a Picasso at any museum. When we were given the assignment in class to do a self-portrait in Picasso style, I was disturbed….
A Slice of Cake and Sharing
4th May 2022 Dr Beena Hello everyone. Yesterday our group met up for a birthday lunch. We call ourselves the “5 Amigos”, a name one of them gave to the group. Some of us are retired, and others are still working. We had formed a pact that we must meet monthly, but unfortunately, the pandemic…
Me Time
30th April 2022 Dr Beena Hello everyone. Today, I will share my thoughts on a painting by Mrs Kala Pohl. It is about a cup of coffee😊. She was inspired to paint this by the following quote. “Drink your tea slowly and reverently… As if it is the axis on which the earth…
Bowl of Flowers
26th April 2022 Dr Beena Hello everyone😊. I was surprised by the comments I received regarding the above painting. The above picture was challenging as it is watercolour on round paper. Now we are familiar with portrait or landscape styles. Hence painting on round paper was a new concept for my brain😊. However, what surprised…