27th November 2021 Dr Beena Hello everyone. Hope wherever you are that you are safe. Each day brings in more unpleasant news. Hence, I thought I would introduce you to something new. I learnt something in my art class. It is called Art Nouveau😊. I had no clue what it was about this art. Our…
Author: Beena Devi
Durians For Christmas
26th November 2021 Mrs Annie R Teo December is back and here I am, on a regular thirty something degrees Celsius pre-Christmas day, standing in my neighbor’s chili-peppers field. I came here specifically to shoot a Durio zibethinus (a Durian tree) with my camera and capture a new picture for my blog. Standing near me…
Root Bridges
21st November 2021 Dr Beena Hello everyone! Yea, can you believe that? Root bridges! I got very excited when I read about root bridges😊. Allan wrote about the bridge in Ba Ha Hills of Vietnam in the early part of this year. I have always been fascinated by bridges. Wherever you go, you will find…
The Penan Girl
15th November 2021 Dr Beena Hello everyone😊. This beautiful watercolour painting by Mrs Elizabeth Tang is of a Penan girl in her habitat. I thought it would be nice for a change to describe a tribe in Sarawak. I wish to thank Elizabeth for letting me use her painting. By the way, you need special…
Magic in Variation
14th November Dr Beena Hello everyone. It is time for another musing😊. Recently the society for which I volunteer was invited to exhibit our work in a poster style. As the bird of paradise is our logo, I decided to paint one for that exhibition. I have been curious as to the reason why the…
Sole and Soul
13th November 2021 Dr Beena  Hello everyone😉. I was a bit busy and needed some time to finish my chores. Fine, now today’s musing is based on my conversation with a 79-year-old man. He seemed very down, and nothing seemed to cheer him up. I was curious, and he said when he reads the…
Happy Diwali
3rd November 2021 Dr Beena Hello everyone. Jen requested my thoughts on Deepavali/Diwali. Hence, I had to paint something. I painted this little turquoise blue glass lamp with a glowing flame on khadi paper. I wrote about this paper some time ago. Now we know Diwali is a festival celebrated by Indians everywhere. I just learnt…
Surprises in Art
2nd November 2021 Dr Beena Hello everyone. Today I am so excited to share with you about this painting. I became so engrossed in it that I forgot to eat or drink😊. I watched the tutorial by Diane Antone. She was using cling film. Yes, the one that we use to wrap our food. Firstly,…
1st November 2021 Dr Beena Devi Hello everyone. I hope everyone is safe. Today my musing is about mushrooms. I am sure many of us love to eat mushrooms. Today’s painting is from a photo posted under Margot’s challenge from Art by Paul Clark. I found this early morning photo of mushrooms a challenge. I…
21st October 2021 Dr Beena Hello guys! I am going to muse about something that I discovered recently. I found this paper called khadi paper made from recycled tee shirts. The world got to know about khadi through Gandhi. In 1918, Gandhi began this movement of hand-spun cloth as a way of self-reliance from foreign…