Old Man

14th January 2024 Dr Lau Fen Nee and Madam Lim Ah Tung @ Lim Em Tee.


The above drawing is by Madam Lim, who is 89 years old and, our oldest contributor. She has been drawing as part of activities that her daughter Fen Nee had planned for her. She was tasked with jigsaw puzzles and drawing.


However, she prefers to draw😊. Drawing helps to focus and is a form of meditation. For those who can’t sit and meditate, you can try drawing or other creative work that needs focus. I hope everyone would appreciate what she drew. I asked Fen Nee to write something about the drawing, and she wrote this in a poem.


Thanks for reading. I hope the drawing and the poem create some thinking for the readers😊. There is no age limit in drawing☺️🙏.


It started off as nothing,

then there was a head, is he old or is he young,

anyhow he needs some clothes,

he’s getting ready to go out,

perhaps to the shops,

perhaps to buy something or to have a meal…by Dr Lau Fen Nee



38 thoughts on “Old Man

  1. I like the part about trying to draw or be engaged in creative work that requires focus. This applies to everyone at any age. This is how we make our lives interesting.

    1. Thanks Jen for your comment. We all do what we can to help ourselves. For older people some activities can be intimidating, especially drawing. Hence we need to encourage Madam Lim.



  2. I am not an artist but it is great to see an 89 year old draw
    Witt those simple lines she was able to communicate that it is a man and of Mongoloid/asian descent
    To hold a pen at 89 is a great blessing from God and to make sense of what she is drawing is a greater gift. God bless

  3. Remarkable… the straight lines are near perfect the head shape too is good at 89years to hold the pen to draw a man with a fair amount of accuracy kudos to the artist 😃 with regular sketching she can do much better

  4. Dear Madam Lim . So happy to see ur drawing ! It certainly does look like an old man 😊. Amazing that u could put pen and paper together to entertain us and make us think !Keep going ! A drawing a day..
    Hope to see more of ur creations !
    Yes ‘It started off as nothing’ and see how it has touched so many of us !
    Thank u Madam Lim ! Have a nice day!

  5. This is a mix of modern art and creativity. Something so genuine that nobody else can come up with it on their own. One look we can see that the man is old with eye-bags etc. The artist is truly talented in a very special way. Keep it up Madam Lim.

  6. Dear Madam Lim, Looking at this cute 🥰 little painting it reminded me my beloved father getting ready for his daily evening walk. He liked to carry a wooden stick what he said was trying to shooo the stray dogs away and for self defense just in case …🤭
    Lovely painting and thank you so much to bring me back some sweet memories 💕💕

  7. Dear Madam Lim,

    First I want to appreciate your perseverance to engage with some creative work at your age..especially that which requires fine motor activity, concentration etc. I feel privileged and honoured to see your work and gives me the message that age has nothing to do
    with passion, perseverance and

    Your image is so clear, with the right amount of lines to convey the image of a man of East Asian descent…perhaps all set to go out for a walk with his walking stick..perhaps looking forward to meeting friends on the way.

    A picture of hope and happiness.
    God bless you.


  8. Dear Madam Lim ,
    Your enthusiasm for life is shining through this drawing
    All of us start as nothing and then life gives us color and shape
    Hope to see vibrant colors in your next one
    Eagerly waiting 👍👍👍

    1. Hi Geet,

      Thanks, according to her daughter Fen, she has hand tremors but was determined to draw, as she knows activity helps her.



  9. The minimalist line sketch has captured the essence of a man. Was the artist thinking of her husband? Or perhaps a son? Or someone special in her life … We can contemplate on it and make our own interpretation. For the artist, her thoughts and memories must have been evocative and special.

    1. Hi Nyuk

      Yeap, it must have triggered some form of memory of someone. But she may may know who she is drawing:)



  10. Very interesting drawing by Madam Lim! She is my mums age . She struggles to draw even a single line. However Madam Lim has produced a very vocal picture of an old man who resembles my neighbour or is it Janus ? Don’t know .. it has set me thinking ! Thanks for this Madam Lim. Please continue your good work !


    1. Thanks Shaj,

      Am glad that Madam Lim’s drawing inspires one to think about the possibilities that an elderly person can still perform.

      Thanks, you have made her smile:)


  11. Thank you for sharing this work of art, the man in the drawing looks like he is in deep thought or maybe meditating? Thank you, Madam Lim, you’ve inspired me to take up drawing as a form of meditation!

  12. A picture conveys a thousand words. As we grow old we become like children …. in every sense of the word… more candid more open … without a need to hide. This picture to me … depicts innocence of a child …. only the face conveys the age.

  13. From my own personal experience I understand that it is not easy to befriend a pencil at any age; you can call yourself a brave lady.
    I see a Chinese man (a happy man); he is wearing pair of shorts and you may be surprised that your drawing brings back fond memories of my husband’s grand father many years back. Please keep on drawing!

  14. A man with big ears and waving his hands! Wearing a brief only.
    The expression on his face is as if he is in deep thoughts.

  15. This is an amazing post – so simple and yet so expressive! The poem also, very nicely matches the drawing. Harsh and soft at the same time. Thanks for posting.

    1. Thanks Allan for the supporting comment. Am sure she will be surprised by all the kind words that she has received.

      Best wishes

  16. Thank you all for the kind comments which we don’t expect at all. My mother is deeply touched by all the comments; they brought her smiles, joy and a sense of self-worth. She is already 89 years old, not only has hand tremors and struggles to hold the pencil, but also has poor eyesight amongst other issues. So she is very surprised by all the feelings her simple drawing evoked. I too am overwhelmed and extremely happy for my mother. Thank you, Beena, for asking me to share this drawing which I hold very dear. To me, it is a masterpiece….

    1. Dear Fen

      I too am overwhelmed by the number of comments. There are more as some are shy to post at the website. Am so happy that your mom’s drawing has inspired many. You need to frame that drawing as its a masterpiece as it inspired everyone.

      Much love


  17. Art is about expressing yourself, and Madam Lim has done that so beautifully. It only takes a few lines to tell a story. I hope she draws more and I look forward to seeing her art. 🥰😘

  18. Dear Ma’m Lim,
    thank you for a simple but powerful drawing.
    the sketch of the old man evoked mixed emotions.
    Ma’m, keep on drawing and hold a solo exhibition.many more people will be inspired.
    lots of love and hugs. ❤️❤️❤️

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