Sparkling Eyes

9th February 2024 Beena


Hello everyone. I received many comments about the cute little Dragon that I posted. I painted this cute Dragon with watercolour. Though I thought it would be easy, I struggled with the shadows😨. Nevertheless, some of you assumed it was a male dragon🤔. No, it is not. Some of my friends are thinking of having a name for this cute Dragon.


I painted this Dragon as I wanted to paint something for the coming Lunar Festival that starts tomorrow, the 10th of February. The Wood Dargon is the symbol for this year. It takes 6o years to get the Wood Dragon back. Each year is represented by a different Zodiac animal. In addition, there are five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The last Wood Dragon was in 1964. In the year of the Dragon, birth rates in China and SE Asia rise as children born in the year of the Dragon are considered successful. Lunar Festival is celebrated in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, SE Asia, the Philippines and other parts of the world with similar diasporas. Although it is not a holiday in Japan, it is celebrated in various ways in Yokohama.


Now, let us get back to the Dragon. Most images of the Dragon are fiery. I realised that it was hard for me to paint such an emotion. Fortunately, I chanced upon this pleasant-looking Dragon. Her eyes spoke to me like how my dogs do😊. I was excited and painted her. She looks confident, but not arrogant. Her eyes are kind and full of vitality. Most of you loved her, which gave me so much joy this morning. These days, I look for pleasure in small stuff and say, “Thank You”🙏🤗. I hope we will have peace and harmony in the year of the Wood Dragon.

9 thoughts on “Sparkling Eyes

  1. Cute and gorgeous little dragon.
    She has a pair charming & shinning eyes
    and a sexy tail.
    Let us know her name soon.
    Happy CNY to those who celebrate this coming lunar festival.

  2. She is most adorable..and you are right..she is confident without being arrogant.. and her captured her emotion of love and care so beautifully through her eyes..❤️❤️😍😍

    1. Hi Suchi

      I wanted a dragon that exudes strength thro calmness not through fear. There is so much fear mongering and chaos in this world. It is time for resilience through strength.


    1. Hi Shaji

      Thanks, yeah I didn’t favour drawing any of the fierce dragons though they are more popular. Life is not about being popular, we all learn it in some way. Throughout life we all wish to be with a group or individuals that helps improve our status in whatever organization we are in. There will always be people vying to be at the top spot but it gets to be tough to reach there. Nevertheless, each one of us eventually find our path.

      warm regards

    2. Yes Shaji

      I am uncomfortable drawing something that depicts violence, anger, revenge. Hence it took me a sometime before I could find this pleasant and cute looking dragon.;)

  3. I like what you said about being delighted and thankful for small stuff these days. That’s a good attitude we should all have Beecasso.

    1. Yes Jen

      We started cherishing small stuff after we realised that big stuff didn’t fulfil our needs. It is always the small stuff that really matters. A day without any ailments is a blessing.

      Take care


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