Zara & Mika – Small things in Life


I am so happy to have this chance to introduce you to my friend Beena (the one with the funny name, remember?). This time my friend Beena sent me a painting with her and her two dogs in it. Isn’t that great? In case you haven’t guessed already, my friend Beena is the woman in the painting with the blue dress. And the two white dogs on either side of her are her dogs Zara and Mika. Zara is the old one and Mika is the younger one. I know that they look like siblings, but they are not.

When a painter makes a painting of him or herself, it is called a self-portrait. Yeah, that’s what they call it – it’s a complicated name for something simple, but that is what they call it, so don’t you go around blaming me for it, I do not make these names up, I only use them.

Anyways, back to the introduction of my friend Beena. One thing that I wanted to tell you about my friend Beena is that, in addition to small white dogs (of course), my friend Beena also likes plants. I bet you had already figured that out yourself by looking at the painting, right? Look at how many beautiful plants she has in the garden she painted for us in her self-portrait. I also know that my friend Beena likes plants because one time when I visited her I saw that she had LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of plants in her apartment. Yes, she did, and they were beautiful plants growing ALL OVER THE PLACE! Because she lives in a tropical country, the plants were super green and lush. Also, some of them had really nice flowers blooming.

So, that is what I wanted to tell you when I introduced you to my friend Beena in the self-portrait. Oh, I almost forgot …. I also wanted to tell you that when she sent me this painting she wrote this message to all of us: “Very Happy Holidays & Happy New Year from Zara, Mika & Beena. May we find joy in the small things in life ”. I like that. It made me feel good and made me remember that no matter what might be happening in the world around us, there is always beauty and joy in the small things in life.

Now it is your turn. What story or memories do you see in this painting that is also a self-portrait called “May We Find Joy in the Small Things in Life”? Think of it and then write it down. Oh, and don’t forget to pass it on to a friend so that she or he may be reminded that there is beauty in the small things in life and so that we can come up with 1,000 stories for this painting, together.

11 thoughts on “Zara & Mika – Small things in Life

  1. Lovely painting by my friend with 2 small precious things..Zara and Mika!. Thank you for sharing dear Beena.

  2. Hi Beena, as always, your drawing touches my heart. I Love the look on your face and the lively expressions on Zara and Mika. They are so lucky to have such a devoted and loving mistress like you.

  3. Zara and Mika are the adorable better halves of Dr Beena.They are picture perfect in real life.Beena relishes the unconditional love and support they give her.Now they seem to be inseparable,no painting of hers is complete without them.

  4. Pets are great companions as they give unconditional love and are non judgmental. They provide great support during times when we feel down. Hence I strongly recommend keeping a pet even a fish in an aquarium is great.☺️☺️☺️

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