22nd July 2023 Beena Hello guys😊😊. I received numerous comments on my Prince Charming the Frog😂😂. Nevertheless, let me elaborate a bit about this painting. It is a watercolour painting and not done in crayon, as some of you thought. When I saw this painting on Pinterest, I was attracted to it because…
Author: Beena Devi
Zara’s resilience
14th July 2023 Beena Hello there😊😊🐶🐶. I posted Zara’s sketch today. I wish to describe this pencil sketch. I have struggled with drawing my girls all this while. But I love to have them in my paintings. They are my girls, right🫠🫠🫠? Zara underwent surgery for a growth on her right upper eyelid. She…
Create your Story
11th July 2023 Mr Mani and Beena Hi there! I was intrigued by this artwork by Mr Mani. What do you see🤔? Though it appears to be some lines in different hues crisscrossing each other, I see a story😎. I see an elephant consoling a young girl. Her head is downcast. The elephant’s…
Simplify Life
10th July 2023 Mr Mani Menon It is the small habits. How you spend your mornings. How you talk to yourself. What you read. What you watch. Who you share your energy with. Who has access to you. That will change your life. Michael Tonge
All About Blue
10th July 2023 Mr Nandakumar I painted this blue vase with yellow flowers in acrylic. Do you know the colour blue, besides the colour for the sky and the sea, has other virtues? It is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence,…
9th July 2023 Beena Hello there💃🏽. I wish to write about that Mermaid I painted as part of our class assignment. I painted her in acrylic, which took about 7 to 8 hours. To get that effect, I needed many layers of colours. The skin tone was challenging as I had to depict a…
Ganapathy Temple
7th July 2023 Mr Nandakumar I painted the famous Pazhavangadi Maha Ganapathy Temple in Trivandrum. It is watercolour in an impressionist style. The temple is in East Fort (1765 AD), and the main idol faces east. There are 32 versions of the Ganesh in the temple premises. The Nair Brigade used to maintain this…
Friday Greetings
7th July 2023 Beena Hello there. I had no energy to write even though I knew what to write. Does that happen to you🤔🤔🤔? When I painted that place in white with a blue sea as the background, I was unsure how it would turn out. It is a watercolour painting. I received…
Peace within Us
26th June 2023 Kala and Beena Hello guys😊😊. I wish to share this little story with a painting from Kala done on Procreate. Street scenes are challenging, mainly when you include a car or a bike. The scene captures the mundane of daily living. The perspective of the street is well-created. I love the…
Unforgettable Tipu’s Fort
23 June 2023 Mr Nandakumar I painted Tipu’s fort which is a major landmark in Palghat as I have memories of my youth that I wish to cherish. In the early 80s five of us landed in Palghat after graduation for our jobs. We bonded like the Famous Five of Enid Blyton and we had…