A huge part of life is about learning to deal with people. For me, it has been the greatest challenge. But it has also brought the greatest victories. It is important to have relationships that are two-way streets. Meaning, give and take in equal proportions. In reality, that rarely happens. I think relationships are…
Author: Kala Pohl
Age is Attitude
19th October 2021 Ms Kala Pohl Another year older. I look in the mirror. I see a face with lines, skin not so clear, hair greying, a body not quite trim…. but I feel so young. I wake up each morning with anticipation, with the knowledge that the day is going to be wonderful. And…
How Are You?
6th October 2021 Mrs Kala Pohl The “how are you?” question has puzzled me over the years. Somewhere along the way, we have forgotten the purpose of that phrase. Ever notice how someone can ask you this question and just move on before you can even formulate a response. Their body language says, “it’s just…
Who’s the Boss?
23rd September 2021 Kala Pohl Friends tell me that my middle name should have been Pollyanna. Or maybe even my first name. I choose to see the glass half-full – always. And no, I have not had it easy all my life. Lots of ups and downs, pain, health issues, tough work environments and on and…
On Being Global and Indian
14th September 2021 Mrs Kala Pohl I painted this scene because it reminded me so much of my heritage – Kerala in South India. We spoke English at home – that is, my father, siblings and I. My mother spoke to us in Malayalam, our mother tongue. We responded in Malayalam, with a lot of…
Paths We Are Meant To Walk
2nd September 2021 Ms Kala Pohl I am a professional artist. When Beena first asked me to write and share my paintings on this site, I was hesitant. Here’s why. I also teach an adult painting class at the University. My students often tell me, “I am not as good as you” or “I am…
Memories That Linger
Nyuk’s story and painting was so nostalgic and it put me in a mood to write about memories that linger. When I tell people that I love the music group ABBA, there is instant reaction. Sometimes, there is a burst of laughter, sometimes a smile (well, more of a smirk) and sometimes a look of…
Not Your Soap Opera
It is so easy to give advice when it’s not your problem, isn’t it? Not sure what it is about me. I attract people who want to tell me their problems. Perhaps in another life, I was a therapist. I am a problem solver. I always want to solve problems, even if it is not…
You Are Where You Are Meant To Be
13th August 2021 Mrs Kala Pohl I loved living in San Francisco. The mountains, valleys, water, ethnicity, food, politics. And I thought, how miraculous that my first entry into the U.S. was a place that so closely represented who I am, deep inside. I made friends easily there, people who shared similar tastes. Since those were…
The Waiting Game
The “waiting game”. It is indeed entertaining. I have yet to figure it out, but here it is. Most of the time, most of us are waiting for something. For some future event to happen before we can make decisions. Like when we get a better job, when we have more money, when we lose weight, when…